Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fashion Revolution Day: 24th April 2014

Have you heard about Fashion Revolution Day?

No? Don't worry, I hadn't either until today! Luckily, it's not until April 24th, so we've all got time to find out a bit more and get involved. Phew! :)

Okay, so first things first: what is Fashion Revolution Day

The global fashion industry is coming together to highlight the challenges of the fashion supply chain, from exploitation to pollution, with the inaugural Fashion Revolution Day on the 24th April 2014, when a series of global events and initiatives will highlight the fashion industry's most pressing issues and engage local communities to demand greater transparency throughout.

In part, a response to the terrible tragedy in Bangladesh last year, where 1133 sweatshop workers lost their lives when the building they were working in collapsed. Fashion Revolution want you to ask

"Who made my clothes?"

Because chances are, if you shop on the high street, then the company is seeing far more of your money than the person who made it. Sadly, it's often pretty difficult to know which high street chains use sweat shops and which don't.

With one simple question: "Who Made Your Clothes?" Fashion Revolution are asking everyone who’s taking part in Fashion Revolution Day to be curious, to find out and do something about it - by wearing an item of clothing inside out, photographing it and then sharing it with the hashtag #insideout on all social networks.

That way, people all over the world – designers and icons, high street shops and high couture, cotton farmers and factory workers, campaigners, academics, the media and any individual who cares about what they wear – can come together to demand greater transparency.

Sounds like a plan, right? Of course, they can't do that on their own - which is where you lovely lot come in! So, what can you do? Fashion Revolution say:
We want hundreds of thousands of people to take part! Together we can use the power of fashion to catalyse change and reconnect the broken links in the supply chain. In order to raise awareness within the fashion industry and beyond, we want to encourage them to continue to try and make things better. 

  • On Fashion Revolution Day 24 April, please Tweet: Today I’m wearing my (shirt/dress/T-shirt etc.) #InsideOut because I want to ask @(brand/retailer) Who Made Your Clothes? 

  • Get in touch with your Country Coordinator about holding your own event for Fashion Revolution Day!  

  • Tell your friends, family and colleagues about Fashion Revolution Day and get them to wear something inside out

"We hope that Fashion Revolution Day will initiate a process of discovery, raising awareness of the fact that buying is only the last step in a long journey involving hundreds of people: the invisible workforce behind the clothes we wear."

You can find out more at, where there's also a pack available to download as a PDF :)

Don't forget to like Fashion Revolution on Facebook and follow @Fash_Rev on Twitter, too! :)



1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you and your blog for the Liebster Award!

    Sarah at Bluegrass Greengirl
