Thursday, May 31, 2012


As much as I am not a fan of either, I do love a good old Union jack print and as we all know with the Jubilee and Olympics fast approaching, its a major must have this year on ANYTHING! So… I made a dress.

It’s a very ‘unique’ dress, in style and fabrics, only half re-cycled and it’s a work in progress (as per usual) but it will all be finished (and revealed) at the Diamond Jubilee Festival this Monday in Powis Castle - its definitely one to attend if you love your vintage! We’re hoping to get ourselves a generator to power the sewing machine so you can get your shorts ‘Union Jacked’ while you wait!

We are also offering it in store, and at our second Jubilee event in Cowbridge on the 5th June. Join in and get upcycling!
Its a Jubilympic Jubilation, celebrating all that is British!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Pins and Needles

Don’t you just love a good productive week?!
We’ve pulled together our shorts collection for in store tomorrow! We’re also half way through the online shop… its going to look amazing!
Not only have we done all of this, there’s also 3 more dresses from the famous 50’s collection completed and ready for sale from tomorrow - the rest just need zips!

This is my favourite one - the candy stripe! Its had to have a wash thanks to a very unhelpful mutt…

We’ve got some more ideas to make some completely unique amazing shorts - all will be revealed soon! We can also up-cycle yours, bring them to us in store and get a new makeover for Summer!!
So here’s to another good week, lots to see and do tomorrow with the Book Festival in Cowbridge - we will be in the shop so come say hi!

Hello Summer!

The new shorts collection for E&W summer!In store from tomorrow, limited stock available online soon!